The Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials announced Monday that the partial results of the presidential election would be released this week.
The officials further added that the partial results will hopefully be released on April 24, once they verify the count after the ballots arrived in Kabul.
IEC officials also added that the ballot boxes are being transferred to Independent Election Commission (IEC) headquarter in Kabul from the provinces.
More than seven million people turned out to vote on Saturday in order to elect the next president of Afghanistan. The turnout of the election was three million more than last time and a third of them were women.
There have been some claims of fraud in various parts of the country, but there’s no evidence yet of the mass ballot stuffing and vote buying seen in the last presidential elections in two thousand and nine.
The Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) officials said they will strictly investigate the complaints filed against the candidates.
ECC Chief Abdul Satar Sadat said complaints have been filed almost against all candidates; however he said the exact numbers of the complaints are not clear so far.